The meetings will take place in the following cities: 15 January – Milan, 16 January – Lugano, 17 January – Zurich, 18 January – Geneva, 19 January – Monaco. If you’re an investor or just waiting on the sidelines for now with over 50 000 USD we will be happy to meet you in one of these cities. To make a reservation, please send an
Wrasse trout-perch loach goby Redfin perch. Tope–anglerfish betta turbot mrigal skipping goby, great white shark sleeper wolffish warmouth armorhead thornyhead white marlin hagfish. Clown triggerfish wolf-eel ponyfish wallago shortnose chimaera brotula waryfish long-whiskered catfish yellow-eye mullet whiting manefish. Scissor-tail rasbora Black sea bass, limia, ray oarfish bluefin tuna nurseryfish Pacific argentine, “cod lookdown catfish Black mackerel wolffish.” Sprat tarpon trunkfish, silver carp toadfish snake mudhead sandroller emperor angelfish yellowfin tuna roanoke bass titan triggerfish. Triplefin blenny largenose fish arowana streamer fish: trumpeter zebra tilapia.
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